Había una Vez… The Story of Spanish Schoolhouse

Había una Vez… The Story of Spanish Schoolhouse

As Spanish Schoolhouse celebrates its 20th anniversary, the three Spanish Schoolhouse founders recently gathered at our corporate office in Plano, Texas, to reflect on the past two decades. Memories of the early days brought about nostalgic smiles and touching stories...

Mi Escuela es Tu Escuela: A Warm Preschool Welcome

Mi Escuela es Tu Escuela: A Warm Preschool Welcome

You’ve likely heard the Spanish saying, Mi casa es su casa (My home is your home). This is an expression of hospitality and welcome that epitomizes Latin culture! At SSH Flower Mound, it sums up our desire for students and their families to feel at home in our...

Spanish Dichos– Great Wisdom in a Small Package

Spanish Dichos– Great Wisdom in a Small Package

In every culture, words of wisdom are passed down from one generation to the next in the form of sayings, adages, idioms, or proverbs. In Spanish, these sayings are called dichos (from the verb decir – to say) and they’re a rich part of the oral tradition in Latin...